Whitepaper - How the K-12 Digital Publishing Industry is Evolving in 2022 and Beyond

With digital publishing coming to the forefront during the pandemic, schools got an opportunity to ensure that no student is left behind, leading to a substantial increase in EdTech use, enabling the digital instructional material market to evolve. EdTech offers publishers a flexible and adaptive solution to adopt innovative content delivery techniques. And this change is here to stay with the education sector realizing the myriad benefits of digital publishing and the need for blended learning environments.

Why Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) Compliance is Important

Assessment creation, delivery, and results are the primary focus of the QTI® standard. This standard helps develop and maintain an assessment ecosystem in which the item type and test result data inform item banks, content authoring tools, LMSs, and test delivery platforms. It enables assessments to reflect daily instruction or individual subject mastery better.

How Rubrics Improve the K-12 Evaluation & Feedback Process

Although rubrics have been in use for some time, they have come into focus in today’s blended learning environment. In addition to saving time while grading online assessments and assignments, Rubrics also help students understand how the evaluation happens and why they received a particular grade.

Our Favorite Reads

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success - By Carol Dweck

Carol Dweck is an American psychologist and is famous for her work on mindset. With some great insights into the growth mindset, the book primarily talks about two kinds of mindsets in this world: a ‘fixed’ mindset, and a ‘growth’ mindset.

Some of the great quotes from this book are

“It's not always the people who start out the smartest who end up the smartest.”

“I derive just as much happiness from the process as from the results.”

Have a great rest of May!


Sonia Gupta

Head - Marketing
