You are already aware of how m-learning has been gaining in popularity owing to the fact that it can deliver information to the audience anywhere and at anytime. Mobile devices are enabling students to learn in a more engaging and interesting way, explore novel ideas and to do all of this beyond the limitations posed by traditional classroom teaching. But do you wish that there was some way mobile devices could boost the effectiveness of m-learning? Here are 7!
1.Short videos – Mobile learners are usually not keen on hour-long courses, especially when they lack time or are on the go. Hence, short videos of 2 to 4 minutes can be created and embedded in the mobile learning course which they can access conveniently on their tablets or smartphones. This will help them get a quick grasp on the core points of the lesson without having to go through the entire module. But do make sure that you use bullet points or text in bold to grab attention and make assimilation easy. The volume of audio narration should be adjustable too, so that the learner can listen to it anywhere.
2.Mobile apps for helpful discussions – Encouraging learners to use Google Hangout or Twitter to share information and experience with their peers or instructors, is a great way to increase engagement. This way, they will be able to express their own thoughts, learn from the views of others and receive support whenever the need arises.
3.Let the learner be the instructor – This helps the student to retain more information and understand concepts more efficiently. Learners can employ tools like quiz creation apps, surveys and polls to achieve this. You can also motivate them to create audio lectures in their own words on a particular topic, or blogs which delve deeper into a subject.
4.Project management apps for online collaboration – A variety of mobile apps are available nowadays which enable learners to work together from remote locations. They can be asked to create a presentation or website together, simply by using their mobile devices. Consequently, your students will learn to share information, communicate and keep a tab on deadlines while working in a group.
5.Exercises based on online research – Encouraging online research is essential to make m-learning more effective and significant. Whether your core audience comprises of school-goers or are executives in a company, online research can help learners understand a topic better. They will also come across important information this way, be able to expand their knowledge horizon, and get to use different apps to strengthen their basic knowledge.
6.For sending reminders and announcements – By sending out announcements and notifications about the course, you can make m-learning a more organized affair. Learners will conveniently receive updates, links to extra resources and reminders on their mobile devices and stay more involved with the m-learning course.
7.Polls and surveys for feedback – Use mobile apps like Poll Everywhere and Socrative for receiving helpful feedbacks on your m-learning course. Since modern learners carry their mobile devices at all times and everywhere, they will be able to provide honest opinions about the course materials, assessment techniques and more.
By combining the potential of mobile devices with the possibilities offered by m-learning, you can ensure a wonderful experience for your audience wherever they go and no matter how busy they are. Companies like Magic Software can also help you to develop mobile apps and interactive mobile-friendly content. So get set to stay ahead of your competition now!