Digital Rights Management for Education Content Providers

November 30th, 2018

Education sector, in particular, has seen a significant shift from the traditional models of working to digital practices. Digital content is vulnerable as is it readily available, at any time, from any corner of the world. Technology had made it easier to find, access, influence, remix, and distribute content to meet the growing demand of the users. In the past, Edtech companies gave their content away to content aggregators freely without thinking much about the security of content and piracy.

Several companies developed Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions that help in managing intellectual property rights for eLearning entities. It defines or establishes and identifies rights holders, the applicable permissions, and also tracks usage. In simple words, it determines who has access to the content and for how long.

DRM plays a pivotal role in preventing unauthorized access to e-learning content designed and curated by Edtech companies. It includes the use of encryption, passwords, trusted systems and firewalls to protect digital content.

Top 4 DRM Technologies

A vital tool, DRM is necessary to safeguard the content and digital rights of the companies. The use of the same is to avoid the pilfering of the digital content. Here are the top 4 DRM technologies that will help protect the benefit of content owners.

Adobe DRM: Adobe DRM solutions protect EPUB and PDF files from unauthorized viewing and allows readers to manage their digital rights-protected eBooks on the Macintosh and PC platforms, as well as on supported mobile reading devices. Customers authorized with customizable ID options, and publishers can make content available for specific windows of time.

Lizard Safeguard: Providing total document security, it enables publishers to control access to and use of PDF documents. It is used by publishers to not only prevent unauthorized use, but it is also helpful in controlling what authorized users can do with your content, Lizard Safeguard is a software that assists in averting users from copying, printing, and screen grabbing digital content.

EditionGuard: EditionGuard is a secure and robust eBook DRM service, built on the industry standard Adobe Content Server. It is a web-based service that provides a reliable & affordable way to sell eBooks online and protects the unauthorized distribution of ebooks.

MagicBoxTM DRM: MagicBoxTM is unique in two ways

1.) The platform is focused on K12 and Higher Education segments and offers several inbuilt workflows for K12 schools, districts, and higher education institutions.

2.) Not only the platform offers a DRM solution but also provides a very flexible subscription management system that allows content providers to configure and sell different packages to their buyers.

Allowing for authorized content distribution, but it also restricts the consumers from duplicating or distributing purchased contents. The MagicBoxTM DRM helps in defining the timeline in which the content material is available for access. Preventing books and information from copying, the strong DRM component of MagicBoxTM platform also restricts the number of devices where media should be installed, thus controlling content piracy as well. It grants schools, teachers & individual users with separate Licenses and Access codes that go with EBooks.


While most DRMs floating in the market today focus on content encryption and protection. However, they do not provide the users with subscription management. MagicBoxTM DRM, on the other hand, offers a flexible subscription and license management module.


MagicBoxTM is an end-to-end digital publishing platform that is designed to satisfy the growing appetites for smart digital content. To learn more about our products & services, visit us at