Digital Publishing

The future of education lies in digital publishing solutions. Not only does this offer means of significant cost reduction and convenience, it is also a means to personalize education, while ensuring accessibility. It eases the process of creating, modifying and distributing content. Digital publishing platforms also offer added features, such as being able to track and monitor content consumption and allowing for assessments and report creation.

With interactive digital publishing, educational institutions will be able to identify individual learner needs, knowledge gaps and even curriculum gaps. In addition, students will benefit from engaging and personalized content. Learn how the best digital publishing platforms are bringing in a revolution in content distribution and consumption.

Cloud Based Digital Publishing Platforms are Changing the Game for K-12 Publishers
Digital Publishing

Cloud Based Digital Publishing Platforms are Changing the Game for K-12 Publishers

| December 9th, 2016

Cloud computing is steadily progressing towards being an essential part of K-12 education. This trend fosters new-age skills...

Why companies need mobile sales enablement now
Digital Publishing

Why companies need mobile sales enablement now

| November 29th, 2016

Gone are the days when printed collaterals were the way to go for sales representatives, to close deals...

How reusable learning objects are revolutionizing digital publishing
Digital Publishing

How reusable learning objects are revolutionizing digital publishing

| November 24th, 2016

As a digital publisher, are you constantly looking for ways to make content development and its accessibility more...

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